What Your Hotel Guests Are Expecting: Part 1

What Your Hotel Guests Are Expecting: Part 1

August 07, 2017
  Beach Towels

If you’re running a hotel, you are probably aware that your main focus is keeping your guests happy, no matter what. Though there are plenty of logistical aspects of running a hotel that you should pay close attention to, without a doubt you’re main focus should be on the guests. Keeping some guests happy can be as easy as being friendly when they walk in and that’s it. There are plenty of other guests, however, who require a little more care to ensure a negative review isn’t coming your way once they leave your hotel. 

Since it’s your responsibility to keep each and every hotel guest happy, it’s important that you’re aware of what they are expecting upon arriving at your establishment. Do your best to accommodate to them to keep them happy and keep your hotel running efficiently. Here are a few things that the average hotel guest might be expecting during their stay.

An easy pathway to the beach

People love spending time at the beach while on vacation. Whether it’s relaxing, which 60% of Americans prefer to do, or battling the ocean’s waves, spending time at the beach is a must for just about any vacation. If your guests aren’t able to get to the beach very easily, due to either complicated pathways or physical destination, you might want to reconsider some aspects of your business. At least offer some form of travel service so your guests can easily get to and from the beach whenever they want! But your best bet is to have an easy walkway directly to the sand. 

That they won’t have to buy a beach towel for themselves

As far as the hotel room itself is concerned, make sure your guests aren’t in charge of certain things like having to buy a beach towel. It’s your job to keep each room, closet, and bathroom stocked with plenty of high quality custom beach towels so that your guests won’t even have to think of where to find one. This is something that might seem unimportant to most people, but imagine how upset your guests will be if they are showering and spending time at the beach only to find out there aren’t enough beach towels for them to use. Don’t make this mistake. To ensure a great experience for guests, buy a beach towel for every room in your hotel and then multiply that by at least six or seven. 

An awesome view of the beach

Your guests won’t be spending too much time in the hotel room since the beach is so close, but they will still certainly want to enjoy a nice view when they are in the room. Waking up in the morning to an ocean view is absolutely breathtaking, so you should try to give each guest that privilege. Obviously you can’t have every single guest stay on one side of your hotel, so try your best to improve the view of every other guest the best you can. 

If you want to learn more about the various types of photo beach towels, contact Holden Towels today. As long as you are aware of what your guests are expecting upon entering your hotel, you should be fine and have a successful summer. Stay tuned for part 2 to find out even more ways to improve your business!