A brand identity is what differentiates your company from the rest of the pack. Once you figure out where you want to go as an organization, your marketing campaigns should reflect this identity, from your website to any collateral materials. Here is how to mix personalized beach towels into your brand marketing strategy.
Choose Colors CarefullyVibrant colors on a website establish a certain personality for your company, the sort that’s perfect for a design studio or creative field. The opposite applies to more subdued brands such as banks, law offices or accounting firms. You can go in either direction when designing a beach towel.
No matter what your business model is, there is no reason for your company’s personalized beach towels to be dull. Beachtowels.com can put together a design for any brand. Striped towels always provide a characteristic look, but choosing the brightest colors found in your company logo is a good way to go. If you need help, Holden Towels representatives are always ready to help.
Match Style and TextureYou can design beach towels as affordable promotional items or as part of a more elaborate marketing campaign. The design and texture of the towels can reflect your aims with the promotion.
For example, heavyweight towels with the finest materials might be right when you are courting new clients, while lightweight towels may be right if you are trying to launch a promotion with a lighter company investment.
Beach towels with a fringe or towels on a white background might work to commemorate a company anniversary or other event you would like to highlight. Whatever direction you would like to take, personalized beach towels can help you achieve your goals.
Beach Towels offers you the opportunity to customize any towel depending on your brand identity. Find out how you can launch your next event with the perfect match to your brand identity. For more information / inquiries or for a quote please visit www.BeachTowels.com or contact us at 800.290.6030.