Hospitality Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Business: Part 2

Hospitality Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Business: Part 2

July 07, 2017
  Beach Towels

You've already read about how custom beach towels are a necessity for a successful hospitality business, along with cleanliness and double-checking everything. Now it's time to dive further into the dos and don'ts of hospitality, and to avoid, at all costs, making these costly mistakes. 

Here are a few additional hospitality mistakes that can result in an unsuccessful summer season and cost you a tremendous amount of money in the long run. 

Not offering any aerobic physical activity

Your guests are going to want to work out at some point during their trip. For every guest who wants to relax poolside with a cocktail, you'll have another who wakes up at 6 a.m. for their morning jog. Just two and a half hours a week of aerobic physical activity like swimming, biking, or running can decrease the risk of chronic illnesses. If they don't have a spot to work out (or custom beach towels to use afterwards), they are going to be frustrated with the way things are being run at your hotel. You don't have to have a world-class gym, but having a spot for your guests to get a good workout is a must have.

In fact, many guests have come to expect fitness facilities or activities at hotels and resorts of all kinds. To truly make these customers happy, consider offering pool-side fitness classes throughout the day.

Hiring disrespectful employees

If you have a single disrespectful employee on staff, he or she could jeopardize the entire success of your business. All it takes is one bad apple to ruin a bunch (or lead to a nasty online review!), so it should be at the top of your priority list to ensure that each and every employee who steps foot into your hotel is a quality worker. Make sure everyone you hire has a positive attitude and knows exactly what it takes to be successful in the hospitality industry. 

To filter out potentially rude employees, update your interview process. Ask questions designed to identify whether employees have negative, pessimistic attitudes or a positive, optimistic outlook.

Ignoring negative reviews on social media

Even if you do your best to prevent negative issues at your hotel, accidents still happen. It's nearly impossible to keep every single guest 100% happy at all times. But you have to make sure you handle those negative situations in the best way possible. If someone has a bad experience and complains about it on social media, don't just ignore it or get into an argument -- do your best to communicate with that person and find out exactly what you can do in the future to rectify that situation. 

Try your best to avoid making any of these costly hospitality mistakes and keep your hotel guests as comfortable and happy as possible. And if you want to learn more about how having enough custom beach towels can help your business, or just want to checkout promotional beach towel ideas, contact Holden Towels today!