3 Workout Activities That Are Much Better Outside

3 Workout Activities That Are Much Better Outside

February 17, 2017
  Beach Towels

It's so important to stay active, especially with how easy it is nowadays to fall into a lazy television-induced vegetative state. Staying active not only keeps you from wasting your days away staring at screens, but it also improves your overall health. Just two and a half hours a week of aerobic physical activity can actually decrease your risk of chronic illness.

Here are a few aerobic activities that you should consider to keep your heart strong and your body active.


Going to the beach for a nice swim is wonderful and there is truly nothing like it. Swimming at the pool is fine, too, and it still keeps you active and provides you with all the physical benefits of swimming, but there is just something magical about swimming at the beach. Swimming is one of the most physically straining activities, however, but because it is so difficult to do in compression to other aerobic activities, it's one of the most beneficial.

Keep in mind you should also bring the necessary equipment like beach bags when you make your regular beach swimming trips. If you're bringing a large enough beach bag, you'll be able to carry your custom beach towels, a snack, and any sports drink or water bottle that you'll surely need after your intense workout.


Again, you can experience the same physical benefits of running on a treadmill at the gym, but you'll get much more out of your workout if you run outdoors. Running on a treadmill longer than just a few minutes can begin to feel boring. But running around outside, at the beach or through your neighborhood, can be much more rewarding.


Bicycling is very similar to running, although you're a little more constrained on a bike. But not as much as you are inside the gym. Biking through the woods or around your city streets can provide you with a great view of the outside world as well as the benefits from physically working out.

Don't just run, swim, and bike inside your gym. Go outside and enjoy all the benefits of working out and the wonderful outdoors. If you're in need of beach bags for your day at the beach, whether you're just relaxing or you're working out, contact Holden Towels today!